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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Alternate-test rules ripe for revision in next ESEA

Alternate-test rules ripe for revision in next ESEA

  • 03-08-2011
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By Nirvi Shah/Education Week

When the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is finally renewed, advocates and policymakers say, it is likely to leave out provisions that allow schools and districts to use some scores from students with disabilities using alternate exams for federal accountability purposes. And it appears that few people will be sorry to see the option go. Renewal proposals for the ESEA, the current version of which is the No Child Left Behind Act, are still being discussed by congressional lawmakers and staff. Capitol Hill aides and U.S. Department of Education officials have suggested that a current federal regulation governing alternate testing for students with disabilities won't be a part of the law going forward. (more...)

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