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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Arizona bills spark high-school protests at State Capitol

Arizona bills spark high-school protests at State Capitol

  • 03-14-2011
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By Valeria Fernández/New America Media

It was Tuesday around midnight when Ana, 16, received the text message: “Walk out tomorrow… It’s time to rise up, this is it. They will no longer intimidate us.” The message came from fellow high school students, and Ana forwarded it to others via through Facebook. She was nervous about walking out of class to protest a new set of laws proposed by Arizona legislators—laws that could keep undocumented students from attending public elementary and high school or college—but she did.  Ana, who asked not to be identified by her full name out of concern for her family, stood Wednesday on the lawn of the Arizona State Capitol as groups of students arrived with signs reading “Educate Don’t Discriminate” and “Education is My Human Dignity.” “It’s better to miss one day of school than to miss school for the rest of your life,” she said. (more...)

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