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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 As pink slip deadline arrives, more than 20,000 teachers laid off

As pink slip deadline arrives, more than 20,000 teachers laid off

  • 03-15-2011
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By Louis Freedberg/California Watch

March 15 has become an annual ritual marked by pain and distress for thousands of California teachers who will receive pink slips by the end of the day today, or will be waiting to receive them in the mail. The last time most school districts did not have to issue layoff notices was in 2007-08, a year that is fast fading from memory. "This will be the fourth bad year in a row," said Rick Pratt, assistant executive director of the California School Boards Association. He said according to figures gathered by the California Teachers Association, districts across the state had issued some 22,000 pinks slips as of last week. The CTA will announce the cumulative total this afternoon after a series of events mark the day's grim significance. State law requires districts to issue pink slips by today. They can rescind the layoffs by May 15, but they cannot issue new ones, except through an untested legal strategy that most districts are unlikely to attempt, Pratt said. But the pain will be felt in virtually every region of the state. (more...)

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