Brownley to push for finance reform
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
As bleak as it looks for school funding this year, the stars may actually be aligning for school funding reform. Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, who chairs the Assembly Education Committee, is betting that this year the Legislature will pass a more equitable and simpler method for funding K-12 schools. And she and Gov. Jerry Brown agree, at least in principle, on what it would look like: a uniform per-student funding formula with extra dollars for low-income children and English learners. Brownley is sponsoring an open-ended bill, AB 18; the first hearing on it will be March 23. Current funding formulas are opaque and unfair. Funding varies by districts, based in part on funding levels set 30 years ago for reasons no longer defensible. Disparities are compounded by differences districts receive in categorical funding – money allotted for specific programs. (more...)