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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Calif. GOP senators balk, slow push for budget OK

Calif. GOP senators balk, slow push for budget OK

  • 03-08-2011
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By Wyatt Buchanan/San Francisco Chronicle

Gov. Jerry Brown's push to get the Legislature to pass a budget this week, and to call a special election in June to ask voters to approve additional taxes, sustained a serious setback Monday when five Republican senators the governor had been courting for votes said they could not support his plan. Earlier in the day, Brown himself cast doubt on his target of getting two-thirds of the Legislature to approve his budget plan by Thursday, a goal that would allow sufficient time for a June election. At a meeting of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, Brown even implored the board and the audience to pressure Republican lawmakers. (more...)

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