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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 California students face tight budgets at school and at home, UCLA reports

California students face tight budgets at school and at home, UCLA reports

  • 03-22-2011
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Blog by Rick Rojas/Los Angeles Times

Principals at public high schools in California report that the sour statewide economy has had increasingly dire effects on their campuses, leaving students to face continuous budget cuts at schools while struggling families deal with the remaining effects of the recession, according to a UCLA survey of school administrators released Monday. To that end, state Supt. of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson also released a report Monday that showed 2 million students -- or 30% of pupils -- in California attend a financially troubled school. In the UCLA survey, conducted by the Institute of Democracy, Education and Access, 74% of responding principals told of dramatic increases in class sizes, with some nearly doubling. Summer school had been reduced or cut altogether at 65% of schools. Half of the schools reported a significant reduction in their ranks of counselors. (more...)


Also: UCLA IDEA Report: Free Fall:  Educational Opportunities in 2011

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