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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Congress chops funding for high-profile education programs

Congress chops funding for high-profile education programs

  • 03-04-2011
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By Alyson Klein/Education Week

More than a dozen education programs—including high-profile efforts focused on literacy, teaching, and learning—are looking at the prospect of a permanent federal funding loss after they were chopped from a stopgap spending measure signed into law by President Barack Obama this week. The new, temporary spending law, intended to keep the government running until March 18 while Democrats and Republicans try to hash out a deal for the rest of the fiscal year, finances most federal programs at fiscal year 2010 levels. But education programs such as Even Start, Striving Readers, and the privately organized Teach For America, ended up taking dramatic hits after Republican leaders insisted on cuts even in the temporary spending bill. (more...)

Also: Education Week

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