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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Famed state writing program on federal chopping block

Famed state writing program on federal chopping block

  • 03-08-2011
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By Louis Freedberg/California Watch

After decades of federal support, an acclaimed writing program that began at UC Berkeley 36 years ago faces a difficult future due to budget cuts agreed to by Congress and the Obama administration. The $25 million elimination of federal funds to the National Writing Project, which trains teachers to be more effective writing instructors, is part of the $4 billion budget-cutting compromise reached last week to prevent a federal government shutdown. One report, by the Associated Press, described the cuts as being among "the easiest spending cuts Congress can make." Another, by CNN Money, described them as "the lowest of the low hanging fruit." That may be how things look from Washington. But drill down to the state and local level, and the picture looks very different.  (more...)

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