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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Higher property taxes, teacher cuts and blame

Higher property taxes, teacher cuts and blame

  • 03-14-2011
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Column by Ross Ramsey/New York Times

Ross Ramsey, the managing editor of The Texas Tribune, writes a regular column.

There will be blood. It’s undeniable, especially when the governor goes out of his way to say that he doesn’t have any on his hands. Rick Perry, watching over a legislative session that threatens (at this point) to cut $9.3 billion or more from state spending on public education, said this week that it would not be the state’s fault if any public school teachers lost their jobs. “The lieutenant governor, the speaker and their colleagues aren’t going to hire or fire one teacher, as best I can tell,” he said. “That is a local decision that will be made at the local districts.” (more...)

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