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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 House Dems hold 'hearing' on state collective bargaining

House Dems hold 'hearing' on state collective bargaining

  • 03-09-2011
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Blog by Alyson Klein/Education Week

The biggest story in education right now is the changes to collective bargaining proposed in Ohio, Wisconsin, and elsewhere. Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican from the Badger state, and others have said that the changes are needed to help states get their finances under control over the long term. Many Democratic lawmakers in the House of Representatives are none-too-happy about the plans, which they contend would strip state workers, including teachers, of their rights to bargain for fair wages and better working conditions. But in the House, congressional Democrats are in the minority, which means they can't exactly call an official hearing on the subject. So they are using a tactic often employed by members of the minority, GOP or Democratic, to get attention for a range of issues. They are having a sort of press conference that follows the same format as a typical congressional hearing, with witnesses and questions and all the trimmings. (more...)

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