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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Media: How reporters got sucked into value-added debacle

Media: How reporters got sucked into value-added debacle

  • 03-08-2011
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Blog by Alexander Russo/Scholastic Administrator

Conventional wisdom is that journalists only care about making the front page and beating the competition, and frankly that's often true. But in the March issue of CJR, J-School prof LynNell Hancock tells the fascinating story of how NYC education reporters struggled to figure out what to do with value-added teacher data that they had requested / were being fed by the Bloomberg administration.  Hancock describes the reluctance and suspicion with which NYC reporters regarded the value-added data they knew that their editors and many readers would want to see it. "Some were so angry at what looked like a blatant attempt by the city to use reporters in its fight with the UFT that they quietly threatened to quit if their editors insisted on publishing names." (more...)

Also: Columbia Journalism Review

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