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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 No breakdown on teacher layoffs

No breakdown on teacher layoffs

  • 03-31-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Parents in Oakland who want to know how many teachers received layoff warnings this month, by school, can find this information in rich detail. The Oakland Unified district has created an interactive map on the district’s web site, with a pin for every school. Each lists the number of teachers warned and the percentage of teachers that represents, along with a profile of the school, by ethnicity and standardized test score ranking. There’s also a spreadsheet ranking every the school by percentage of the 656 teachers, counselors, and administrators who got pink slips. Oakland Unified is the exception. Most districts don’t publicize this information, for fear that parents will find out that a system of layoffs based on seniority creates vast disparities, with schools staffed largely by new teachers, which are often in low-income neighborhoods, getting slammed. (more...)

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