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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Segregated and satisfied in the Southland?

Segregated and satisfied in the Southland?

  • 03-23-2011
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Blog by Gary Orfield/Huffington Post

Southern California is one of the world's most diverse, urbanized communities with people from every part of the globe, no racial majority, and a sense that it is way ahead of the rest of the country. Certainly it is in terms of a diversity of cultures, languages, music and cuisines, as well as the way its population foreshadows the transformation that is taking place now in the rest of the country. In political terms, Southern California provided a large, progressive victory for the election of Barak Obama as president, and its first Latino mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa. Many places in Southern California pay homage to the region's Mexican origins. People tend to be proud and satisfied about the region's diversity and tend to think it is working out. But there is a very different story. California is backwards in terms of racial and ethnic justice. (more...)

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