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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Stopgap spending bill severs array of education programs

Stopgap spending bill severs array of education programs

  • 03-03-2011
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By Alyson Klein/Education Week

The stopgap federal spending bill that President Barack Obama signed into law yesterday almost certainly spells the end of federal funding for more than a dozen education programs, at least until the end of the current fiscal year, and quite possibly for good. The bill would scrap all federal funding for the current year for a number of programs that were considered "earmarks" under congressional rules, because they got non-competitive funds, directed just for them. Some senators protested on behalf of the groups, but it may have been too late—the cuts went through anyway. The list of funding cuts includes: (more...)


Also: Education Week

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