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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Subpoena everyone in D.C. cheating scandal -- including Rhee

Subpoena everyone in D.C. cheating scandal -- including Rhee

  • 03-31-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

One surefire way to learn whether a D.C. public school that made big gains when Michelle Rhee was chancellor actually cheated — a possibility raised by a newspaper investigation -- is to subpoena everybody in D.C. with potential involvement or knowledge and have them testify under oath. That includes Rhee. An investigation published this week by USA Today brought new focus to previous concerns about erasures on standardized tests at D.C. schools. USA Today mentioned there were erasures that were flagged as outside the norm at 103 schools at least once since 2008 but it focused on one, Crosby S. Noyes Education Campus, where big gains on tests were reported during the Rhee era. (more...)

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