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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 'Trigger' troubles

'Trigger' troubles

  • 03-08-2011
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Editorial/Los Angeles Times

We have our concerns about the implementation of California's so-called parent trigger process, which allows parents at certain low-performing schools to force radical change via petition. But that doesn't mean we support attempts to evade the law, as the Compton Unified School District has done by inventing ludicrous excuses for rejecting a petition to turn McKinley Elementary School over to a charter operator. There was a typographical error. A title was missing. Sometimes one parent signed the petition while the other parent's signature was in the school's registration records. The district was apparently looking for ways to thwart parents rather than accede to their wishes. There are ways to verify signatures without trying to invalidate as many as possible. (more...)

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