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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 UC regents hear grim predictions about the system's future

UC regents hear grim predictions about the system's future

  • 03-17-2011
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By Larry Gordon/Los Angeles Times

Reporting from San Francisco -- The University of California regents Wednesday heard grim predictions on how proposed state budget cuts would affect students and faculty even as officials sought to soften the blow by slashing spending at the UC headquarters and shifting the savings to the system's 10 campuses. "The painful truth is that we are at the point of compromising educational quality," UC Santa Cruz Chancellor George Blumenthal told the Board of Regents. He was among several campus leaders who gave the board forecasts about reduced class offerings and staff layoffs that are likely next year. Among other areas, some key required courses may be offered only once a year, making it harder for students to graduate on time, Blumenthal said. (more...)

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