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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Union blasts state bill for teachers

Union blasts state bill for teachers

  • 03-15-2011
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By Canan Tasci/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Some union leaders are blasting an education reform bill introduced in Sacramento that would base teacher layoffs on performance rather than seniority. State Sen. Bob Huff, R-Walnut, proposed the bill to give school districts more flexibility to retain top educators. Senate Bill 355 also mandates that school districts establish a rigorous and fair evaluation system based partly on student test scores for teachers as well as principals. Seniority protects teachers from unfair terminations based solely on a district's financial interest, said Joe Tonan, Claremont Faculty Association president. "I think we have lost some good first- and second-year teachers over the last couple years, who have bright ideas ... I know where they're coming from, but this bill is not the solution," Tonan said. Tonan said blame for teachers struggles could be directed at the state's sluggish finances. (more...)

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