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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Where are the champions of education reform as school funding collapses?

Where are the champions of education reform as school funding collapses?

  • 03-22-2011
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Blog by Anthony Cody/Education Week

The budget cuts we face this fall are likely to create a cascade of effects that could lead to the collapse of public education in America. We are facing a disaster for our schools that is different from an earthquake or hurricane, in that it is man-made. It is being forced upon us by choices being made by those in power, who no longer wish to provide the funds needed to sustain a basic service - more than a service - a basic right guaranteed by our state constitution. In the state of California, one political party has decided that the economy cannot afford the taxes our schools need to be sustained at even a minimal level. State taxes here are largely connected to the value of recently sold real estate. Thus, the collapse in the real estate bubble has had a calamitous effect on tax revenue, and the Republicans are refusing to even allow a proposition on the ballot that would allow not new taxes, but an extension of some existing taxes to cover part of the deficit. (more...)

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