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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 March 2011 Wis. labor bill could vex district-union relations

Wis. labor bill could vex district-union relations

  • 03-04-2011
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By Sean Cavanagh/Education Week

One recent Wednesday night, Superintendent Jon Bales received a pair of phone calls at home that dismayed but did not surprise him. The president of the local teachers' union called him with updates from the state Capitol, a short drive away in Madison, Wis. Dozens of teachers from the DeForest Area School District had joined the burgeoning protests there, Rick Hill told him, and many educators were unlikely to report to work the next day. Mr. Bales soon realized he would have to call off school. That night, the two men—who are on friendly terms—worked out an agreement. Teachers in the district would not call in sick, but would make up the lost time by working a day they were scheduled to have off. (more...)


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