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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 A national call for more learning time in schools

A national call for more learning time in schools

  • 11-03-2011
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Blog by Chris Gabrieli/Huffington Post

Over 450 education leaders from 30 states -- including superintendents, teachers, school board members, charter school leaders, policymakers, and foundation leaders -- gathered in Boston last week for the first National Convening of Expanding Learning Time. They gathered to listen, learn and discuss how breaking from the shackles of an antiquated school schedule of just 180 six-and-a-half hour days is fundamental to closing the achievement and opportunity gaps that plague the schools in our nation that serve our most disadvantaged students. These thought leaders come together knowing that nearly all American schools still hew to a century-old schedule that developed when the level of knowledge and skills needed was much lower than what graduates need today. (more...)


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