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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 California school kids' test scores remain dismal

California school kids' test scores remain dismal

  • 11-01-2011
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By Jill Tucker/San Francisco Chronicle

In the race for educational excellence, California hovered near the rear again with only Mississippi and the District of Columbia languishing further behind, according to 2011 math and reading scores released today. For what it's worth, several states were with California at the back of the pack. The Nation's Report Card measures fourth- and eighth-grade achievement in math and reading every two years. With the exception of fourth grade reading, scores rose across the country overall since 2009, but only Hawaii showed statistically significant gains in both grades and both subjects. In California, math and reading scores inched upward by a few points, but the results were statistically insignificant because of the sample size and other factors, national education officials said. (more...)


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