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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 Principals protest role of testing in evaluations

Principals protest role of testing in evaluations

  • 11-28-2011
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By Michael Winerip/New York Times

Through the years there have been many bitter teacher strikes and too many student protests to count. But a principals’ revolt? “Principals don’t revolt,” said Bernard Kaplan of Great Neck North High School on Long Island, who has been one for 20 years. “Principals want to go along with the system and do what they’re told.” But President Obama and his signature education program, Race to the Top, along with John B. King Jr., the New York State commissioner of education, deserve credit for spurring what is believed to be the first principals’ revolt in history. As of last night, 658 principals around the state had signed a letter — 488 of them from Long Island, where the insurrection began — protesting the use of students’ test scores to evaluate teachers’ and principals’ performance. (more...)


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