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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 Rethinking budget trigger unlikely, says speaker

Rethinking budget trigger unlikely, says speaker

  • 11-29-2011
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Blog by John Myers/KQED

Assembly Speaker John Perez isn't ruling it out -- never say never, one supposes -- but nonetheless says that talk of the Legislature stopping, or even just rejiggering, the budget's automatic spending cuts isn't likely to go anywhere. "I don’t know of another approach that has greater support than the triggers that we already voted on," said Perez in comments to reporters after today's long and contentious meeting of the regents of the University of California. The exact depth of the so-called "trigger" cuts won't be known for another two weeks, when Governor Jerry Brown's budget team releases its state economic and revenue forecast. (more...)


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