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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 School districts wait to see if state revenue shortfalls trigger more cuts

School districts wait to see if state revenue shortfalls trigger more cuts

  • 11-02-2011
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By Diana Lambert/Sacramento Bee

School officials are on the edge of their seats. In six weeks, they should know if they have to cut buses, shorten the school year, ask teachers to take furlough days, raid their reserves or cut programs. That's when revised revenue projections are expected from the state. If revenues fall short, it could trigger up to $1.75 billion in cuts that would hit K-12 districts in February. The state was $654 million short of its revenue projections at the beginning of October, but school officials aren't sure how much their districts will lose and what exactly they will do if the trigger is pulled. (more...)


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