Teacher development at center of New Center For American Progress studies
By Joy Resmovits/Huffington Post
Jordan Henry, a Los Angeles high school teacher, recently received his new score as part of the city's pilot program to take student test scores into consideration when testing its teachers. In the program, teachers receive a numerical value to represent the degree to which they influenced their students' learning. His score? Middle of the scale. "It's a big ho hum," Henry said Tuesday. "What does this tell me?" Participating in the pilot -- now facing a lawsuit from the Los Angeles teachers' union -- landed Henry smack in between the policy and reality of new methods designed to help teachers improve, a task less simple than it seems. And as states take on the task, either through new laws or promises made to the federal Department of Education to escape the strictures of the No Child Left Behind Act, they're facing a dizzying array of rubrics and coaching methods -- and often coming up short. (more...)