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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 November 2011 Think Long attacks public education

Think Long attacks public education

  • 11-23-2011
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Blog by Brian Leubitz/California Progress Report

In case Think Long’s proposal to reduce taxes on the highest earners in favor of additional taxes on the middle class wasn't enough to piss off the Left, there is this little treasure in the report: (via SacBee) [“]We believe such new funding should not be automatically given to a system that is failing to educate millions of Californians. It instead should be tied to improving performance of K-12 schools, as a result of rigorous evaluation of teachers, as well as curbs on automatic teacher tenure and seniority.[”] case No Child Left Behind didn't do enough to screw up the schools, we need to tie state school funding in a larger way to a deeply flawed system of test-first, test-last, and test-always that encourages teachers to teach to the test. The rest of that second sentence is merely rehashing Arnold Schwarzenegger proposals that voters soundly rejected at the polls. What we have here is nothing really all that different from what California Forward and other similar corporate-leaning centrist organizations are pushing. (more...)


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