What the new NAEP test results really tell us
Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post
Someone should be printing up a T-shirt about now that says: “My nation spent billions on testing and all I got was a 1-point gain.” Here’s what the newly released scores for the 2011 administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress show for fourth and eighth graders in reading and math, on a 500-point scale: — In math, fourth and eighth graders scored on average 1 percentage point higher this year in 2009. Both grades scored more than 20 points higher this year than in 1990 (when the test was first given). — In reading, fourth-grade scores did not change from two years ago but were four points higher than in 1992, when the reading test was first given. Eighth-graders scored on average 1 point higher this year than two years ago, and 5 points higher than in 1992. (more...)
Also: Educated Guess