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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 A cautionary charter school tale

A cautionary charter school tale

  • 10-14-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

Some public charter schools do wonderful work. Some don’t. This is what can happen when officials who allow charter schools to open don’t pay enough attention to what happens after the doors open to students. In a trendy area of Dade County called Coconut Grove, controversy is swirling around the Academy of Arts & Minds and how one man dominates the school’s operations. The Miami Herald has discovered a number of questionable management practices, including one that violates the rule that public charter schools are supposed to be free to students. The school’s founder, Manny Alonso-Poch, has denied he is doing anything wrong, and says the school is academically successful. That hasn’t stopped some parents from complaining about his influence and conflicts of interest. The academy, the Herald reported, charged fees for basic classes, a violation of state law, and was in fact taken to task by Miami-Dade school officials. (more...)

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