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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Bills show dueling priorities on K-12 spending

Bills show dueling priorities on K-12 spending

  • 10-12-2011
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By Alyson Klein/Education Week

A showdown looms between the two houses of Congress on their differing visions for K-12 education funding, pitting formula-grant programs crucial to school districts against some of the Obama administration’s favored competitive-grant programs—a split with some unlikely political wrinkles. Key education programs, including Title I grants for disadvantaged students and aid for special education, would get flat funding for the 2012 fiscal year under a measure approved Sept. 21 by the Democratic-controlled Senate Appropriations Committee. But the administration’s prized Race to the Top program, its Investing in Innovation Fund, and the School Improvement Grant program would be extended. By contrast, the funding proposal before the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee would include big boosts for special education and Title I. (more...)


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