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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Brown saves ed bills for last

Brown saves ed bills for last

  • 10-10-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Signatures and vetoes went flying out of the State Capitol over the weekend as Gov. Brown raced to meet the October 9 deadline to take action on all the bills passed during the 2011-12 legislative session. He signed three bills that will lead to significant changes in what students are taught in the classroom. Two will advance the process of adopting the Common Core standards in math and reading; the third will start the process of updating the state’s science curriculum. And he okayed bills making it easier for foster youth to enroll in college, allowing trained school staff to administer a life-saving drug for epileptic seizures, and giving the public more say in what school districts do to programs once protected by categorical funding that’s now available for general school use. (more...)


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