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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Brown weighs bill challenging ban on affirmative action

Brown weighs bill challenging ban on affirmative action

  • 10-03-2011
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By Nicholas Riccardi and Larry Gordon/Los Angeles Times

In the next 10 days, Gov. Jerry Brown must decide whether to sign a bill that could put race and gender back into the admissions process at California's public universities 15 years after the state's voters banned affirmative action. The proposed law would allow the University of California and California State University systems to "consider" applicants' race, gender and household income to diversify student bodies. The author says he crafted it to avoid conflict with Proposition 209, the ballot measure voters passed in 1996 that prohibited preferential treatment of minority groups by the state. (more...)


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