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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Charter schools part I: Thirteen years into the charter school experiment

Charter schools part I: Thirteen years into the charter school experiment

  • 10-13-2011
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By Ida Lieszkovszky/NPR

In 1998, Ohio opened its first 15 charter schools. There are now more than 300, and they’re enrolling more than 100,000 primary and secondary students.  Ohio is paying upwards of $500,000,000 to support those schools. But as charter schools have grown, so have divisions between them and traditional public schools. Thirteen years ago, Ohio lawmakers embraced on a massive educational experiment called charter schools. They picked Toledo as the pilot city; a guinea pig to test a quick cure for what many saw as the state’s ailing public education system. Charter schools technically are public schools. They are free, and open to everyone. Because of the way Ohio’s charter school laws developed, they are mostly limited to the state’s urban areas. (more...)





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