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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Declining numbers of blacks seen in math, science

Declining numbers of blacks seen in math, science

  • 10-24-2011
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By Jesse Washington/Boston Globe

With black unemployment reaching historic levels, banks laying off tens of thousands and law school graduates waiting tables, why aren't more African-Americans looking toward science, technology, engineering and math -- the still-hiring careers known as STEM? The answer turns out to be a complex equation of self-doubt, stereotypes, discouragement and economics -- and sometimes just wrong perceptions of what math and science are all about. The percentage of African-Americans earning STEM degrees has fallen during the last decade. It may seem far-fetched for an undereducated black population to aspire to become chemists or computer scientists, but the door is wide open, colleges say, and the shortfall has created opportunities for those who choose this path. STEM barriers are not unique to black people. (more...)


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