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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Fighting the war on poverty with early childhood education

Fighting the war on poverty with early childhood education

  • 10-21-2011
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By Jennifer Rokosa/Center for American Progress

This week, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act—the largest federal program designed to improve education, particularly for disadvantaged students—is up for revision in the Senate. This review gives Congress a unique opportunity to improve our education system and to make significant strides against the record numbers of children in poverty by expanding federally funded early childhood education programs. This column examines how millions of children living in poverty are falling behind academically and how increasing the availability of early childhood education, or preschool, can help. A striking number of children in the United States are poor. The latest Census data reveal that in 2010 more than one out of every five U.S. children lived in poverty conditions. Minority children show the highest rates, with nearly 40 percent of black children and 35 percent of Hispanic children falling below the poverty line. (more...

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