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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Free trips raise issues for officials in education

Free trips raise issues for officials in education

  • 10-10-2011
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By Michael Winerip/New York Times

Since 2008, the Pearson Foundation, the nonprofit arm of one of the nation’s largest educational publishers, has financed free international trips — some have called them junkets — for education commissioners whose states do business with the company. When the state commissioners are asked about these trips — to Rio de Janeiro; London; Singapore; and Helsinki, Finland — they emphasize the time they spend with educators from around the world to get ideas for improving American public schools. Rarely do they mention that they also meet with top executives of the Pearson company. The foundation’s officials say the free trips are solely educational and have no business purpose. (more...)

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