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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Frightening children in Alabama

Frightening children in Alabama

  • 10-11-2011
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Blog by Lily Eskelsen/Lily’s Blackboard

I do not understand deliberate cruelty. I understand it exists. I understand that those who practice it can often justify it as excusable and even noble. But I do not understand it. But cruelty to a child? This is beyond all understanding. It is cruel to deliberately frighten children. In Alabama they have passed an anti-immigrant law infinitely worse than the shameful one passed in Arizona that got so much attention. One thing that makes Alabama’s HB 56 worse is the provision designed to frighten school children and confuse families. Immigrant families, which are overwhelming Latino families, are bound to be confused about what their rights are, and their rights are precious few, but clear. One legal right was settled by the Supreme Court over 30 years ago. All children, immigrant or not, with or without documentation, all the public’s children have the right to a public education. Children will not be punished with illiteracy for the acts of their parents. That’s the law. (more...)


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