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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Getting nostalgic about the law formerly known as NCLB

Getting nostalgic about the law formerly known as NCLB

  • 10-06-2011
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By Joe Williams/Democrats for Education Reform

All of the hooplah about granting waivers so states can get out of being held responsible for educating children (especially children of color and children with special needs) has us feeling a bit nostalgic for the good old days when we, as a nation, first decided we never had any real intention of making NCLB work. If you remember, it was actually kind of cool in a goosebump-producing kind of way. When the law was signed in early 2002, Congress and the President were making a pretty bold declaration. No, they weren't going as far as saying that every child in America was entitled to a good education. (That would have unleashed a Holy Hell of sorts, most agreed.) But our nation took a bold step nonetheless. For the first time in our nation's history, we were saying that every child had a right to NOT ATTEND a crappy school. (more...)


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