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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Gifted parents: “Volvo vigilantes” and “academic one-upmanship”

Gifted parents: “Volvo vigilantes” and “academic one-upmanship”

  • 10-04-2011
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Blog by Maureen Downey/Atlanta Journal Constitution

Given our discussion today on the previous blog, I thought this was a provocative essay — how could it not be when the author is Alfie Kohn? — on tracking and gifted programs. Below is a small excerpt of a long essay Kohn wrote about affluent parents and their fierce attachment to hierarchies in classes. If you have time, read the full piece. Today’s debate also reminds me of a comment by social activist Jonathon Kozol 20 years ago: “Most Americans do not want their child to have an equal chance with another child,” Kozol told me. “They want their child to have a better chance, and implicit in that is that some other child has to have less of a chance.” As the earlier blog demonstrates, there is great emotion around “gifted” education. My own concern remains that these programs affirm and celebrate advantage, not merit. (more...)


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