Gov. Jerry Brown blasts data-based school reform
Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post
California Gov. Jerry Brown wrote a tough indictment of data-based school reform in a message he wrote vetoing a bill that would have changed the state’s accountability system for public schools. The legislation, SB547, would have reduced reliance on standardized test scores to evaluate students and schools, but Brown called the legislation “yet another siren song of school reform” and would do nothing to improve the quality of schools. “SB547 nowhere mentions good character or love of learning,” said the veto message by Brown, who has gone further than any other governor in blasting modern test-based school reform. “It does allude to student excitement and creativity, but does not take these qualities seriously because they can’t be placed in a data stream. Lost in the bill’s turgid mandates is any recognition that quality is fundamentally different from quantity.” (more...)
Also: Education Week