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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Idealism that blinds: Facing social and educational inequity

Idealism that blinds: Facing social and educational inequity

  • 10-07-2011
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Blog by P. L. Thomas/Daily Kos

One aspect of the education reform debate that persistently gives me pause is the claim that the top students are being short-changed in U.S. public education—specifically due to disproportionate time and money being spent on struggling students. I have attempted to address this argument both seriously and satirically, but each approach has brought primarily defense of those neglected top students. In their work on think tanks, Think Tank Research Quality: Lessons for Policy Makers, the Media, and the Public, the National Education Policy Center [NEPC] has raised a strong caution concerning the poor quality of think-tank research: (more...)

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