Liberty Plaza, Wall Street, & schools
Blog by Deborah Meier/Education Week
Dear Diane, It's easy to ignite optimism in people like me. That's why I always felt lucky to spend so many years inside schools, and inside schools where we had the freedom to collectively respond to situations with our best judgment. I never despaired. The schools I was most deeply involved in were also "horizontally" (a Wall Street-occupiers' expression) organized, around each other rather than around a leader. The protesters' language about "assemblies of people" making decisions together may sound absurd—and in some ways it is—but it is a fitting response in a climate that has more and more bought into (or just accepted) that the few shall decide for the many. Democracy—as we explore the idea—is full of contradictions, tensions, complications, and yet ... compared with the alternatives, it's an easy choice to make, although it will take a lot more serious self-education for us to get it right. (more...)
Also: Education Week