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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Majority of states say they'll seek waivers under NCLB

Majority of states say they'll seek waivers under NCLB

  • 10-14-2011
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By Michele McNeil/Education Week

A majority of states have officially signaled that they plan to seek newly offered flexibility under the No Child Left Behind Act, but more than a dozen remain undecided, as state officials pore over strings the U.S. Department of Education will attach to the waivers. Seventeen states told the Education Department by the Oct. 12 deadline that they were ready to submit their applications for a waiver by the first-round Nov. 14 deadline, and another 22 would-be applicants, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, said they would seek the flexibility during a second round in mid-February. And two states, Connecticut and Oregon, said they want waivers but didn’t indicate when they would apply. States can still change their minds: The notices they submitted—or didn’t submit—to the department are a courtesy heads-up and are not binding. (more...)



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