No changes to Open Enrollment
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
For all its quirks and anomalies, the two-year-old Open Enrollment Act, which gives parents in low-performing schools the chance to transfer their children to a better school in another district, will remain unchanged. Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bill on Saturday that would have let a number of schools off the hook. In his veto message for AB 47, Brown said that the changes would have cut the eligible schools from 1,000 to 150, which would “go too far and would undermine the intent of the original law.” Assemblyman Jared Huffman (D-Marin) sponsored the bill because some schools with an Academic Performance Index of close to 800 – the state’s definition of success – and a few above that target were ensnared on the list. As a result, confused families in what they assumed were good schools were sent letters saying they could pull their kids and transfer out. (more...)