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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Resisting inequality: Occupy Wall Street and education

Resisting inequality: Occupy Wall Street and education

  • 10-21-2011
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Blog by Michael Roth/Huffington Post

The Occupy Wall Street protests have become an important topic on college campuses. At Wesleyan, some of our students have joined the group in Zuccotti Park in New York, and others have found a variety of ways of expressing their support. Given the mainstream media's treatment of the movement, it's easy to mock the lack of clear policy initiatives or to roll one's eyes at the absence of leaders to express a neat list of demands. But in talking with students and reading some of the statements from the Occupy Wall Street participants, it seems to me that we get a pretty clear picture of their discontent. Like many Americans, they are revolted by how huge infusions of money are corrupting our political system. And, they are aghast at the trajectory of increasing inequality. There is plenty to protest. (more...)


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