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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 SB 185 vetoed: Jerry Brown vetoes affirmative action-like bill

SB 185 vetoed: Jerry Brown vetoes affirmative action-like bill

  • 10-10-2011
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Huffington Post

On Saturday, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed SB 185, an affirmative action-like bill that would have allowed public universities to consider factors including race, gender and ethnicity in the admissions process, according to The Daily Californian. SB 185 gained extensive public attention when the UC Berkeley group Berkeley College Republicans held an Increase Diversity Bake Sale protesting the bill. Currently, California admissions officers are unable to consider race, gender and ethnicity due to Proposition 209, passed in 1996. SB 185 would have overruled such practices. In a veto message, Jerry Brown explained that he agreed with the spirit of SB 185, and stated that Proposition 209 should be interpreted to allow admissions officers to consider race, gender and ethnicity, keeping within the bounds of the 14th Amendment. (more...)


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