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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 School budget cuts: Educators fear deepest cuts are ahead

School budget cuts: Educators fear deepest cuts are ahead

  • 10-24-2011
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By Kimberly Hefling/Huffington Post

Teenage girls in ponytails and boys in long athletic shorts dash across the gym at Abraham Lincoln Middle School, pausing their game of indoor tennis to motion "Y-M-C-A" with their arms as the Village People's song blares from the loudspeaker. It's a scene happening less frequently these days. Budget cuts and teacher layoffs have forced the school to cut some PE classes, reduce library hours and eliminate small literacy classes for problem readers and Spanish for sixth- and seventh-graders. "I'm scared to death. As we continue to look at fewer and fewer non-classroom positions that are there, at some point it's going to impact core classroom positions and that's a very, very scary thing," said principal Josh Keene. Educators across America, like Keene, are bracing for a tough reality. (more...)


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