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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Starving America’s public schools: How budget cuts and policy mandates are hurting our nation’s students

Starving America’s public schools: How budget cuts and policy mandates are hurting our nation’s students

  • 10-17-2011
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By Jeff Bryant/Campaign for America's Future

Critics of America’s public schools always seem to start from the premise that the pre-kindergarten-through-12th-grade public education system in this country is failing or in crisis. This crisis mentality is in stark contrast to years of survey research showing that Americans generally give high marks to their local schools. Phi Delta Kappa International and Gallup surveys have found that the populace holds their neighborhood schools in high regard; in fact, this year’s survey found that “Americans, and parents in particular, evaluate their community schools more positively than in any year since” the survey started. How could there be such a disconnect between a national narrative about public education and opinions about local schools? The two contradictory narratives draw on completely different sources of evidence. (more...)


Also: Daily Kos


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