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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 October 2011 Why a school district rejected $2.5 million federal grant

Why a school district rejected $2.5 million federal grant

  • 10-25-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

In these troubled economic times, it would take a lot for a school district to turn down a gift of $2.5 million. But that’s just what the Oregon City School District has done. The 8,100-student district was part of a group of school systems and a non-profit organization that applied to the federal government for a federal grant through the “Teacher Incentive Fund.” That fund awards money to districts that agree to implement performance-based compensation systems in high-needs schools for teachers and principals that include the use of standardized test scores and merit pay. Officials in Oregon City’s district and teachers union thought, according to the Oregonian, that they could take the money — which the coalition won in 2010 — without implementing performance pay. (more...)


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