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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 September 2011 A scandal of cheating, and a fall from grace

A scandal of cheating, and a fall from grace

  • 09-08-2011
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By Kim Severson/New York Times

Sitting in the polished offices of a lawyer who specializes in corporate criminal defense, Beverly L. Hall looked tired. It is not easy being the pariah of a major American city. Dr. Hall, once named as the nation’s school superintendent of the year and a veteran of 40 years in tough urban districts including New York and Newark, now stands marked by the biggest standardized test cheating scandal in the country’s history. As Atlanta tries to sort fact from fiction and get back to the business of educating the 50,000 children in its public schools, Dr. Hall is left to defend her reputation, prepare for any possible legal action and consider whether her philosophy of education and style of leadership brought her to what is the lowest point in her career. (more...)


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